Farmer Suicides in India Causes and impacts

Photo Courtesy: Parij Borgohain

Children are left in a lurch when heads of farming households lose confidence in the system and resort to the act of suicide. Photo: Ilustrative, Telangana

Abstract: Economic distress, coupled with social isolation and remoteness of location often leads to farmers committing suicide in India. Based on a nation-wide survey the paper outlines how rich farmers, as opposed to the poorer ones, are able handle agricultural indebtedness from alternate sources of income.

The authors are Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Research Associate, respectively, Agricultural Development and Rural Transformation Centre (ADRTC), Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC), The article should be cited as Manjunatha AV, KB Ramappa and DT Preethika, 2018. Farmer Suicides in India: Causes and Impacts, Geography and You, 18(12): 18-25