UNESCO adds 15 new Geoparks, not a single from India

The increasing levels of air pollution continues to raise concern and remains a significant environmental issue contributing to climate change, posing adverse effects on the health of the people and t...
As air pollution continues to be an issue of great concern across India, there is an urgent need to engage with various stakeholders to help mitigate the debilitating health hazard caused by air pollu...
Air pollution is a pressing issue with profound health, climate, and policy-making implications. In this episode of the G'nY Live podcast series, The Air We Fear, Professor Sagnik Dey, an eminent expe...
<p>Fifteen new areas have been designated as the Global Unesco Geoparks. Out of 161 geoparks in the world, not a single belongs to India. Despite having several astoundingly beautiful geoheritage site...
<p>“A Phenomenon whereby a saturated or partially saturated soil substantially loses strength and stiffness in response to an applied stress, usually earthquake shaking or other sudden change in stres...
<p>A volcano is the emission of lava, ash and gases from deep under the earth’s surface through a crack on the surface of the earth. According to the Plate Tectonic Theory, the earth’s lithosphere (wh...
<p>Ice Age is one of the most famous animated film series that deals with the life and struggles of animals that had been part of the earth’s biodiversity during the ice age.</p>
<p>Fifteen new areas have been designated as the Global Unesco Geoparks. Out of 161 geoparks in the world, not a single belongs to India. Despite having several astoundingly beautiful geoheritage sites, India lacks a proper conservation mechanism to help place them on the world map.</p>
<p>“A Phenomenon whereby a saturated or partially saturated soil substantially loses strength and stiffness in response to an applied stress, usually earthquake shaking or other sudden change in stress condition, causing it to behave like a liquid” is called Soil Liquefaction (Hazen,1918).</p>
<p>A volcano is the emission of lava, ash and gases from deep under the earth’s surface through a crack on the surface of the earth. According to the Plate Tectonic Theory, the earth’s lithosphere (which includes the crust and upper mantle) is made of tectonic plates.</p>