Nothing Pink About Your Health: In Conversation with Dr. Arvind Kumar on Health, Advocacy, and Action
Our lungs, the first respondents to the air pollution crisis, are no longer pink. It is spottled black and grey. Learn how risky the air is from the eye-opening revelations of Dr Arvind Kumar, Chairma...
Monitoring India’s Air Pollution: In conversation with Prof. Gufran Beig on Science, Policy, and Community Action
Air pollution is a significant crisis in India, contributing to severe health risks and environmental degradation. This G’nY blog summarises key insights from a podcast discussion with Prof. Gufran Be...
Myriad Challenges of the Coasts of India
Monitoring from space, aerial and in situ platforms in coastal regions will help develop models for interactions between ecological and anthropogenic processes, helping sustainable management of coast...
Rare Super Blue Blood Moon Visible on January 31st 2018
<p>A lunar eclipse occurs when the Sun, the Earth and the moon are aligned in a straight path where the Earth is positioned between the Sun and the moon such that the Earth blocks sunlight for the moo...
Understanding the Classification of the Biomes of the World
<p>No two ecosystems in locations around Earth can be said to have the exact assortment of species forming habitats in them. However, terrestrial ecosystems and biological communities of organisms can...
Antarctic Subglacial Lakes Might Offer Unique Surprises
<p>However, in the 1990s an international team supposedly discovered microbes in the accretion ice just above the lake that could derive energy from minerals in the lake and in the surrounding rocks.<...
Lake Vostok of Antarctica | What does it really reveal
<p>Covering a total area of about 10,000 sq km, Lake Vostok in Antarctica is one of the largest sub-glacial lakes in the world. Lake Vostok in Antarctica is buried under greater than about 3.7 km of i...
More from earth-science
Rare Super Blue Blood Moon Visible on January 31st 2018
<p>A lunar eclipse occurs when the Sun, the Earth and the moon are aligned in a straight path where the Earth is positioned between the Sun and the moon such that the Earth blocks sunlight for the moon.</p>
Understanding the Classification of the Biomes of the World
<p>No two ecosystems in locations around Earth can be said to have the exact assortment of species forming habitats in them. However, terrestrial ecosystems and biological communities of organisms can be classified into categories on the basis of climatic features and the predominant plant forms appearing in these locations. </p>
Antarctic Subglacial Lakes Might Offer Unique Surprises
<p>However, in the 1990s an international team supposedly discovered microbes in the accretion ice just above the lake that could derive energy from minerals in the lake and in the surrounding rocks.</p>