IMapp-Modelling Immunisation Outreach in Far-flung Rural Clusters

The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 aims to transform India's education system with a focus on inclusivity and access. However, for marginalized communities, the effectiveness of these reforms re...
The foundational principle upon which our education systems rest is fundamentally based on the democratic values of: secularism, federalism, liberty, and equality. The New Education Policy (NEP), 2020...
The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 has been hailed as a transformative framework for Indian education, introducing sweeping reforms aimed at structural change and improving access, quality, and...
IMapp, the Immunization App, was developed to strengthen the delivery of public health services, taking advantage of an innovative multidisciplinary approach and digital technologies like Geographic I...
<p>The COVID-19 pandemic has brought the subject of healthcare to the forefront. As such, it becomes pertinent to ask the question that why some countries are doing better than others in dealing with...
As the world struggles with the Covid-19 pandemic crisis, I am reminded of the indigenous group Boti and their remote, tiny kingdom in West Timor, Indonesia. When I visited them in 2017, I was in awe...
IMapp, the Immunization App, was developed to strengthen the delivery of public health services, taking advantage of an innovative multidisciplinary approach and digital technologies like Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Remote Sensing (RS) and Machine Learning (ML). The initiative demonstrated the suitability of porting public health data on a GIS platform to get good insights into the distr...
<p>The COVID-19 pandemic has brought the subject of healthcare to the forefront. As such, it becomes pertinent to ask the question that why some countries are doing better than others in dealing with this crisis? Does the answer lie in the difference in the healthcare system of various countries? In this article, we try to answer this question by looking at some of the features of the healthcare s...
As the world struggles with the Covid-19 pandemic crisis, I am reminded of the indigenous group Boti and their remote, tiny kingdom in West Timor, Indonesia. When I visited them in 2017, I was in awe of the sheer simplicity of their lifestyle. Strangers to electricity and machines, they are supremely self sufficient. Despite a tenuous existence, they are proof that a simple, secluded life can be a...