Geological processes in the Himalaya that bring natural catastrophes are continuously in motion. Though the natural processes can never be completely controlled the impact can be minimised through sustainable use of natural resources and effective planning in tune with the terrain and geo-location.
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The term monsoon is customarily used in the South Asian context to refer to a period of widespread rains during June - September, otherwise known as the ‘Indian summer monsoon’. The common reference to a ‘good’ or ‘bad’ monsoon denotes whether the rainfall is in excess or deficit over a large area like India. While the monsoon has a wider economic and socio cultural importance for South Asia, its origins have been subject to much scientific debate.
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Nargis was a true blue superstar of Indian cinema. A name that evokes melodies of a luminous bygone era is today shared by a devastating cyclone that ripped Myanmar bringing death and destruction.
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The District level Agromet Advisory Service (DAAS), likely to be implemented from June 2008, will revolutionise the way India views its weather forecast services.
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In western media the advent of a dedicated weather channel saw a system of continuous monitoring of weather systems, hour by hour sometimes minute by minute (local severe stormas) and even live tracking (tornadoes). Now that MoES is planning to revamp the observing network in the country, launching an Indian weather channel at this juncture would allow the country to experience the benefits of these developments.
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