Myriad Challenges of the Coasts of India
Monitoring from space, aerial and in situ platforms in coastal regions will help develop models for interactions between ecological and anthropogenic processes, helping sustainable management of coast...
Our Fragile Coasts: Scientific Approaches and Solutions
The Indian coasts hold diverse geomorphological features—mudflats, rocky shores, cliffs, sandy beaches and deltaic reaches that shelter unique ecosystems. However, significant sections of the coastlin...
Need of Flood Warning System for Coastal Metropolis
Integrated Flood Warning System (IFLOWS) is an integrated GIS-based decision support system developed for Chennai and Mumbai that provides flood inundation scenarios and helps state governments to put...
Rising Global Sea Level: Where are we?
Observational data on sea level rise, available since 1870, shows a constant rise. The multiple causes responsible for it have been traced to rising global temperatures, melting of land-based ice in a...
Phytoplankton Blooms in the Southern Ocean: Through Satellite Observations
Phytoplankton constitute the primary link in the food web of marine life and are a provider of oxygen. Satellite observations using remote sensing data has proved useful in identifying pockets of phyt...
The Sunken World
The undersea world, besides being a hub of bubbling marine biodiversity, cradles a unique realm of buried rivers, ridges, mountain ranges, volcanic craters, and even remnants of settlements. The fluct...
Plastic Pollution in Oceans
The growing menace of pollution, especially plastic is threatening many fragile ecosystems—be it the natural flow of rivers, surface drainage or marine life. The article explores the problem and the c...
More from climate-change
Rising Global Sea Level: Where are we?
Observational data on sea level rise, available since 1870, shows a constant rise. The multiple causes responsible for it have been traced to rising global temperatures, melting of land-based ice in all the Polar Regions, including Himalaya and the thermal expansion of ocean water etc.
Phytoplankton Blooms in the Southern Ocean: Through Satellite Observations
Phytoplankton constitute the primary link in the food web of marine life and are a provider of oxygen. Satellite observations using remote sensing data has proved useful in identifying pockets of phytoplankton bloom, especially in the Southern Ocean.
The Sunken World
The undersea world, besides being a hub of bubbling marine biodiversity, cradles a unique realm of buried rivers, ridges, mountain ranges, volcanic craters, and even remnants of settlements. The fluctuating sea levels have swallowed several coastal cities world over, the evidences of which are coming to light gradually.