Sulagna Chattopadhyay
Geography and You, New Delhi.

Dear Readers,

Yes, we have launched our Hindi Edition, Bhugol Aur Aap, and the response has been truly astounding. I feel indeed rewarded, when our readers from the distant interiors of our many different states write to us about how our magazine provides ‘nourishment to the malnourished’. Believe me this is not an exaggeration. Surely you know that!

We would also like to share some good news with our readers. In a few months from now we are organizing a career camp in Delhi. But if you do not live here, please do not despair as you can write to us for a supplement on the workshop. Besides, look out for a national level quiz that we are in the process of organizing. Our personnel will target as many cities as possible. And yes, there are attractive prizes too. So watch out for it!

The issue that I have presented to you this time is on Road Transport. We have tried our best to restrict the purview of our study, but ideally we would have liked to look at a lot of allied aspects. The border roads, as you know, are the lifelines of our frontiers. We wanted to update you on its recent projects. Unfortunately, bureaucratic red-tapism exists everywhere and by the time the entire process of passing the file was complete; our magazine was already in the press. In fact urban roads have their own dynamics which needs to be researched

in detail. You may have also expected the Delhi metro to feature in this issue. But we have consciously not done so, as technically it should be carried with the railways. Besides

Delhi metro in isolation may not give us a correct picture, until we comprehend metros in their entirety. But we promise the advantage and disadvantages of a metro will soon be presented before you!

Last but not the least we regret two errors that went in the Energy Issue Part-1 and Transport Specials on Waterways. In the former, the article ‘Splashes and Surges’ carried a picture

of the Uri Barrage incorrectly marked as belonging to NTPC. However it is a NHPC project. Besides, in the ‘Hydro Power Development in India–Impediments and Solutions’ article the map index marked Tattapani, a geothermal project, in operating stage. It is however only in the investigation stage. In the latter issue, the Data You Can Use section carried data on petroleum production. Unfortunately the data pertained to only on-shore production. The revised data may be found on page–in the same section.

Enjoy this ecstatic ride on our roads and do write in to us.