The ocean state forecast services from ESSO-INCOIS are accurate, timely forecasts and advisories that is supported by a robust oceanic in-situ instrumentation and satellite observations as well as state-of-the-art computational facilities with multi-model simulations.
Abstract: India is the only country in the northern Indian Ocean that has a fully operational ocean state forecast (OSF) services. This supports millions of users for smooth operations at sea, for both offshore and nearshore activities. The OSF services from ESSO-INCOIS are of a high global standard with accurate, timely forecasts and advisories. They are supported by a robust in-situ and satellite observations as well as state-of-the-art computational facilities with multi-model simulations. The services incorporate the latest information and communication technology (ICT) tools for building a well-defined dissemination system. ESSO-INCOIS has modulated its general forecasts to build impact-based forecasts based on user feedback. Its recent service caters to fishing boats far out at sea with systems enabled through NAVigation with Indian Constellation (NAVIC) and the Gagan Enabled Mariner's Instrument for Navigation and Information (GEMINI). ESSO-INCOIS also plays an active role in supporting the rising needs of ushering in the blue economy of the region.
The authors are Group Head, Scientist in charge (Ocean State Forecast Services), Scientist in charge (Ocean State Forecast Lab), Project Scientist, Project Assistant, Scientific Assistant and Project Assistant, respectively, at the Ocean Information and Forecast Service Group (ISG), ESSO-INCOIS, Hyderabad. The article should be cited as Nair T.M. Balakrishnan, Harikumar R., Srinivas K., Anuradha M., Kaviyazhahu K., Kumari Rakhi and Grover Y., 2020. Ocean State Forecast Services for the Maritime Community, Geography and You, 20(6-7): 18-25.
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