Myriad Challenges of the Coasts of India
Monitoring from space, aerial and in situ platforms in coastal regions will help develop models for interactions between ecological and anthropogenic processes, helping sustainable management of coast...
Our Fragile Coasts: Scientific Approaches and Solutions
The Indian coasts hold diverse geomorphological features—mudflats, rocky shores, cliffs, sandy beaches and deltaic reaches that shelter unique ecosystems. However, significant sections of the coastlin...
Need of Flood Warning System for Coastal Metropolis
Integrated Flood Warning System (IFLOWS) is an integrated GIS-based decision support system developed for Chennai and Mumbai that provides flood inundation scenarios and helps state governments to put...
Business Opportunities Out of Climate Change
Climate change will bring about slow but a definite modification in the way the world thinks with myriad new business opportunities offering to rebuild production, consumption and expenditure patterns...
Family Planning or Family Welfare?
Speaking on the occasion of World Population Day, Secretary General of the United Nations, Mr Ban Ki Moon, focused on the critical importance of family planning in developing countries if we are to su...
The Dark Side of Media Hype
The visual media, more than any other medium, thrives on hype. And where media images are produced by a particular class largely for its own kind, the ‘other’ is exoticised.
More from opinion
Business Opportunities Out of Climate Change
Climate change will bring about slow but a definite modification in the way the world thinks with myriad new business opportunities offering to rebuild production, consumption and expenditure patterns. Companies that can tune their production and business and put in place in house study groups or consultancy related with climate change.
Family Planning or Family Welfare?
Speaking on the occasion of World Population Day, Secretary General of the United Nations, Mr Ban Ki Moon, focused on the critical importance of family planning in developing countries if we are to successfully achieve the Millennium Development Goals within the stipulated time period.