The Union Government’s budget speech of 2018-19 announced two major initiatives, the National Health Protection Scheme and the establishment of Health and Wellness Centres. Central and state governments have always put health at the forefront of planning, but public health expenditure as a percentage of GDP has remained low. Low expenditure, skewed distribution of coverage across states, lack of facilities in government hospitals among other problems prevail in the public health sector.
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Consumption is one of the key indicators of the economy’s performance. Since India has been experiencing relatively higher growth and resultant change in household income distribution, consumption pattern too has altered over the last decade or so.
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The economic situation and policies of the states has a direct bearing on economic welfare, and hence has significant impact on consumption demand. Although hitherto neglected, it can easily explain the fluctuations in consumption pattern for consumer and other goods, and help in the planning of business strategy.
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While uncontrolled migrant-driven urbanisation is a problem for the city management, it is also adversely affecting the environment through increased carbon footprint. Though all urban dwellers will face the impact of climate change, urban poor will be the worst hit.
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India’s periurban centres can play a crucial role in creating a balanced urbanisation structure. Yet, they are often left out in the planning process. The essay highlights the concerns of these neither-rural-nor-urban centres and brings forth the ramifications of ignoring these spaces in the Indian context.
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Panchayats can be encouraged to take up decentralised power distribution which will lead to increased community ownership of projects, upkeep and maintenance of services. In fact since the estimated willingness to pay for electricity of the unelectrified households is at par with the connected households, Panchayats can generate fund through user fees.
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