DISASTER MANAGEMENT Bioremediation-Treating oil spills biologically

Microbes when added to contaminated environments, such as oil spill sites, can accelerate the natural biodegradation process.

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AGRICULTURE Mycorrhiza: Symbiosis between Fungus and Plant Root

Mycorrhizas are mutually beneficial symbiosis between plant roots and soil fungi, which play a central role in the uptake of nutrients by almost all plant groups. These fungi are important in crop nutrient acquisition, particularly in low input agriculture.

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TRADITIONAL KNOWHOW A Journey into the Nilgiris

I was looking for a break from my typical Mumbai schedule and was for a while nursing a deep longing to visit the Nilgiris, having heard so much about its mysterious beauty and sparkling waterfalls. Sharing my views, I found a mate in my husband, who not only agreed but booked an expedition for the very next day.

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