The Most Vulnerable Primitive Tribal Groups in India

As air pollution continues to be an issue of great concern across India, there is an urgent need to engage with various stakeholders to help mitigate the debilitating health hazard caused by air pollu...
Air pollution is a pressing issue with profound health, climate, and policy-making implications. In this episode of the G'nY Live podcast series, The Air We Fear, Professor Sagnik Dey, an eminent expe...
The Himalayan glaciers face significant climate change and air pollution threats. In this episode of GnY-Live, Professor N C Pant, a renowned geologist and a cryospheric expert, discusses the impact o...
<p>Although Scheduled Tribes in India are protected legally by the Constitution of India, in the case of Primitive Tribal Groups in India, many a time these groups might reside in areas or have a life...
<p>In February 2002, the Supreme Court of India passed an order prohibiting state governments and also tribals and other traditional forest dwellers from removing dead, dying trees and grasses and tre...
<p>As Phulvati’s busy fingers continued to wind loop after loop of colouredsabaigrass into a patterned basket, she recounted how she returned to work just the day after her marriage, tending to a near...
<p>Although Scheduled Tribes in India are protected legally by the Constitution of India, in the case of Primitive Tribal Groups in India, many a time these groups might reside in areas or have a lifestyle that might set them at a distance from the percolation of official policy.</p>
<p>In February 2002, the Supreme Court of India passed an order prohibiting state governments and also tribals and other traditional forest dwellers from removing dead, dying trees and grasses and trees felled by winds.</p>