Conserving India’s Groundwater

Women thronging near a well in Vasai. As per the May 2012 report of the Groundwater Survey and Development Agency Maharashtra, many regions of the State are experiencing a groundwater decline of over 1 m.

Abstract: Demand for water in India is estimated to reach 1500 billion cubic m by 2030. Against this India’s current water supply is approximately 740 billion cubic m as a result of which most river basins could face a severe deficit by then.

The author is a senior scientific writer from Kolkata.

Term Power

What is ...

It depicts the rate of flow (discharge) versus time elapsed at a specific point in a river, or other channel. These graphs are generally employed to understand the influence of climate such as seasonal rainfall, flood, drought and climate change on groundwater levels. In addition, hydrographs are also utilised to understand the response of aquifers to pumping and irrigation.

These are wells dug into aquifers under positive pressure. The water in artesian wells rises to a point where hydrostatic equilibrium has been reached naturally, without any artificial aid.

Bed flow is the sustained flow in a stream that comes from groundwater discharge or seepage.

Hydraulic conductivity refers to the permeability of water through a medium. It describes the ease with which water flows through the pores or fractures of an aquifer.

Recharge is the addition of water to an aquifer to replenish it. It may occur naturally through rain, runoff or through artificial measures like spreading basins and recharge wells/irrigation.

These processes are aimed to mitigate the effects of global warming. It involves a multitude of global climate modification programmes that function to tackle climate change by removing CO2 from the air.

Also called paleo-water, the term refers to ancient freshwater reservoirs created millions of years ago and trapped underground in deep aquifers.

Runoff is the water that flows over the surface of earth. The flowing water mostly is a result of storms, glacial melt, floods or other sources. Runoffs are crucial for aquifer recharge.

The term refers to the comparatively dry soil or rock located between the ground surface and the top of the water table. The pores of the soil/rock of this zone contain both water and air.

These are sedimentary beds through which zero flow occurs because of lack of porosity. Aquicludes generally underlie or overlie an aquifer. In case of the latter, the pressure could metamorphose it into a confined aquifer.