Panchayati Raj Institutions

The Delhi Ridge, an extension of the Aravalli Hills, is the last remaining natural forest in the capital and a crucial ecological barrier that shields the Indo-Gangetic Plains from desertification. It...
Youth activism is playing a crucial role in shaping environmental policies and driving public awareness. Young leaders are taking action today, advocating for urgent responses to climate issues and in...
The increasing levels of air pollution continues to raise concern and remains a significant environmental issue contributing to climate change, posing adverse effects on the health of the people and t...
Fiscal decentralisation can be meaningful only when the panchayat has adequate untied funds to provide the public services assigned to them. Presently, the sources of revenues for the panchayat are in...
The financial year 2009-2010 was declared the ‘year of the gram sabha’ to help focus on this vital subject. But, the concept is yet to become meaningful. Attendance remains poor and quora are lacking....
There is an urgent need for a shift from a risk mitigation cum relief-centric approach in disaster management. The panchayat is uniquely equipped to deal with disasters on a sustainable basis.
Fiscal decentralisation can be meaningful only when the panchayat has adequate untied funds to provide the public services assigned to them. Presently, the sources of revenues for the panchayat are inadequate. Reforms are needed to empower the panchayat by augmenting its revenues.
The financial year 2009-2010 was declared the ‘year of the gram sabha’ to help focus on this vital subject. But, the concept is yet to become meaningful. Attendance remains poor and quora are lacking. Marginalised communities are particularly handicapped as attending meetings involves covering long distances.