Myriad Challenges of the Coasts of India
Monitoring from space, aerial and in situ platforms in coastal regions will help develop models for interactions between ecological and anthropogenic processes, helping sustainable management of coast...
Our Fragile Coasts: Scientific Approaches and Solutions
The Indian coasts hold diverse geomorphological features—mudflats, rocky shores, cliffs, sandy beaches and deltaic reaches that shelter unique ecosystems. However, significant sections of the coastlin...
Need of Flood Warning System for Coastal Metropolis
Integrated Flood Warning System (IFLOWS) is an integrated GIS-based decision support system developed for Chennai and Mumbai that provides flood inundation scenarios and helps state governments to put...
Covid-19: Test, Test and Test
<p>There is a large difference between the number of casualties in Italy and South Korea caused by Covid-19. The testing programme of these countries seems to be the key to this contrast. India is sti...
The COVID-19 Fatalities: Is there a geographic pattern?
<p>COVID-19 has spread to over 50 countries across the world. The virulence and lethality of the virus seems to be higher in regions with colder, dryer, temperate climate. However, India needs to be v...
Facts and Updates
The following section sheds light on a plethora of concerns and presents factual data and statistics on India, which provide a real time understanding of the prevalent concerns. Topics that are covere...
More from health
Covid-19: Test, Test and Test
<p>There is a large difference between the number of casualties in Italy and South Korea caused by Covid-19. The testing programme of these countries seems to be the key to this contrast. India is still at Stage 2 of this pandemic and should implement proven strategies of both social distancing and testing to contain the disease before it escalates to the next stage.</p>
The COVID-19 Fatalities: Is there a geographic pattern?
<p>COVID-19 has spread to over 50 countries across the world. The virulence and lethality of the virus seems to be higher in regions with colder, dryer, temperate climate. However, India needs to be vigilant and cautious to prevent an outbreak.</p>