The Rich-Poor Divide in India

The increasing levels of air pollution continues to raise concern and remains a significant environmental issue contributing to climate change, posing adverse effects on the health of the people and t...
As air pollution continues to be an issue of great concern across India, there is an urgent need to engage with various stakeholders to help mitigate the debilitating health hazard caused by air pollu...
Air pollution is a pressing issue with profound health, climate, and policy-making implications. In this episode of the G'nY Live podcast series, The Air We Fear, Professor Sagnik Dey, an eminent expe...
India suffers high inequality in terms of distribution of income and wealth. There is an urgent need to take cognizance of the rich-poor divide and ensure a holistic development.
Various methodologies were used to draw poverty lines in India. The expert groups constituted by the Planning Commission followed the calorie intake whereas the Saxena Committee constituted by the Min...
Using the latest body mass index classifications for Asian Indians it is argued that obesity levels have been under reported. Coupled with the alarming threat that hunger poses to public health, house...
The recent Global Hunger Report 2018 has categorised India with ‘serious’ hunger levels. Among children, underfive malnutrition status is indeed poor when compared to global or even South East Asian S...
India suffers high inequality in terms of distribution of income and wealth. There is an urgent need to take cognizance of the rich-poor divide and ensure a holistic development.
Various methodologies were used to draw poverty lines in India. The expert groups constituted by the Planning Commission followed the calorie intake whereas the Saxena Committee constituted by the Ministry of Rural Development followed the inclusion and exclusion method. Multidimensional poverty by UNDP is calculated on various indicators. All methodologies point towards a high poverty ratio in In...
Using the latest body mass index classifications for Asian Indians it is argued that obesity levels have been under reported. Coupled with the alarming threat that hunger poses to public health, households face a double burden of nutrition. The paper explores policy actions in healthcare, food and agriculture sectors.