Renewable Energy and Sustainable Buildings

As air pollution continues to be an issue of great concern across India, there is an urgent need to engage with various stakeholders to help mitigate the debilitating health hazard caused by air pollu...
Air pollution is a pressing issue with profound health, climate, and policy-making implications. In this episode of the G'nY Live podcast series, The Air We Fear, Professor Sagnik Dey, an eminent expe...
The Himalayan glaciers face significant climate change and air pollution threats. In this episode of GnY-Live, Professor N C Pant, a renowned geologist and a cryospheric expert, discusses the impact o...
With increasing urban population, the building sector would be one of the major contributors to greenhouse gas emissions. A possible policy solution could be promotion of smart cities and sustainabili...
The highly ambitious National Solar Mission has only five more years to complete its target of 100 GW power generation capacity. Not only is its completion eagerly awaited, but more crucial would be t...
<p>The current state of rooftop installations in India suggests that unless some major technological leap brings down the price of panels drastically, the uptake for rooftop systems at the household s...
With increasing urban population, the building sector would be one of the major contributors to greenhouse gas emissions. A possible policy solution could be promotion of smart cities and sustainability in terms of energy requirements and environment protection.
The highly ambitious National Solar Mission has only five more years to complete its target of 100 GW power generation capacity. Not only is its completion eagerly awaited, but more crucial would be to see whether the Mission would be able to cover the mass populace that has been left out of the conventional power grid scenario till now.
<p>The current state of rooftop installations in India suggests that unless some major technological leap brings down the price of panels drastically, the uptake for rooftop systems at the household scale might not reach the desired levels.</p>